YouGov found that 90% of parents want improvements in PSHE learning for pupils. Learn how to keep children up to date on the topic while they are away from school.
In June 2019, the government released the ‘Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education’ statutory guidance and highlighted that the new relationship education and health education curriculum will be mandatory for primary schools and the RSE aspect of the PSHE curriculum will be mandatory for secondary schools from September 2020. The guidance details how schools, governors and councils can develop an LGBTQ inclusive policy on RSE and PSHE, work closer with parents on their input to the curriculum and how teachers can improve physical and mental health. Furthermore, Ofsted have produced a new framework for which schools will be judged against in upcoming inspections. It emphasises the need for personal development and will take account of a school’s PSHE curriculum.
In order to successfully implement the new curriculum for RSE and PSHE, Sex Education Forum released the ‘We’ve got it covered…’ guidance. The guidance includes a toolkit for teacher who want to improve their PSHE provision and directs schools and councils on how they can reach and succeed government requirements by following their mapping tool outlining key expectations per key stage. The tool provides medium-term planning grids for each year group detailing key expectations and lesson learning outcomes for key stages 1,2,3 and 4.
Furthermore, in light of the recent school closures, PSHE Association have prepared an excellent 'Guide for PSHE Leads preparing for, or in the event of school closures'. The guide is being updated continuously and can be accessed here. It provides advice on PSHE topics to consider and topics to avoid for remote learning, planning tools to prepare teachers for the statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education ahead of September 2020 and leadership tools including guidance on how to draft a successful RSE Policy.
For more information on remote learning for pupils, please visit the PSHE Association website.
This blog was written by Elin Sams from Inside Government