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Cross-Sector Partnerships in Housing Development

Solving the Housing Crisis
The importance of Housing Associations, Local Authorities and Private Enterprises developing Sector Partnerships

Increasing Affordability

Partnerships allow each party to bring forward their own expertise to developments and lever in finance on sites that may have been stalled. Residents benefit from a development that combines the specialisms of a private housebuilder and a housing association working in tandem.

Improving Risk Management

Risk exposure is managed across two businesses in partnership working, helping large schemes to get off the ground. For some housing associations, they are able to be more involved in the delivery, rather than just acquiring homes through a section 106 agreement.

Offering Mixed Tenure Types

Our joint ventures with Galliford Try Partnerships are delivering 1112 homes. There is recognition from industry and Government that traditional ownership doesn't suit everyone, so schemes need a greater range of options such as shared ownership. 

Focus on the Aster Group
Ethical housing developer and landlord to benefit society

The not-for-dividend business was established in 1990 and has over £1.5 billion worth of assets. Aster plans to develop 11,000 homes over the next seven years for open market sale and shared ownership, reinvesting the profits to develop homes for rent. The group owns and maintains 29,000 homes and provides services to 75,000 customers. Its corporate social responsibility commitments set out the additional work the business chooses to do. 

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