Following the Government's announcement to close schools across the UK amid the COVID-19 crisis, we spoke to an AS Level Pupil in South Wales, Dafydd, to ask how he feels about the ongoing uncertainty.
How do you feel about the prospect of being off school potentially for six months?
In some ways, its good because we’ll get a nice long break. But in the long-term, all the work we’ve been doing up until now becomes pointless and a waste of time, because the exams won’t be held probably until next year. All my work towards my AS Levels feels like it’s become obsolete.
Do you feel like you’ve got enough information at the moment about COVID-19 and what it means for you?
What we get from the news is enough information, and I feel well-informed. But we haven’t had enough information from school about the impact this is going to have on us, and what’s going to happen after five or six months.
How do you think your teachers might be feeling?
Under a lot of stress! Because they know as much as we do, in terms of what’s going to happen, how we’ll be assessed etc. There’s just so much uncertainty.
Do you feel like you’ve got enough support to continue studying at home?
Well, yeah I suppose. All the necessary work I need has been sent to me, and will continue to be sent through the weeks, via email and Google Classrooms.
This is obviously an unprecedented time. What are you most worried about?
School-wise, not getting the grades I need to continue into A levels, and maybe having to re-sit my AS levels. Aside from schools, I’m afraid my grandparents might contract the illness, and suffer the symptoms, particularly as they’re in the vulnerable group.
Apart from studying at home, what will you do with all the time off?
I think its important to keep up with my fitness, so I’ll be using weights at home and following workouts online.